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    Antifade Fluorescence Mounting Medium with DAPI

    Catalog number :IF16340
    Antifade Mountant is a water-soluble and glycerol-based liquid mountant applied directly to fluorescently labeled cells or tissue samples on microscope slides. It is formulated with the blue DNA stain DAPI (When bound to DNA, DAPI fluoresces and is typically used as a nuclear/chromosomal counterstain.). 
    The mountant is designed to provide unparalleled antifade protection across the entire visual and IR spectrums. You can use this mountant with almost any fluorescent dye or fluorescent protein (e.g., GFP, RFP, mCherry) to achieve the brightest signal and lowest background, for bright fluorescent images.
    Clear Liquid Antifade Fluorescence Mounting Medium with DAPI
    Tested applications
    Product Picture
    Antifade Mounting Medium with DAPI
    Storage instruction
    Store at 20-25°C
    Protect from light.
    • Protects fluorescent dyes and fluorescent protein from fading, across entire visible and IR spectrums
    • Ready-to-use liquid that cures for longer-term storage
    • Ideal for Alexa Fluor and traditional dyes, such as FITC and Cy3, and fluorescent proteins like GFP, RFP, and mCherry
    • Mounted samples are stable for months
    • Maintains fluorescence signal—little to no quenching
    1. Prepare samples and perform staining according to established procedures
    2. Following aqueous final step, remove excess liquid around the sample and add 1 drop (~50 μL) of this mountant for an area of 22 x 22 mm.
    3. Mount coverslip and remove excess mounting medium.
    4. Allow to air dry for 5 minutes prior to analysis.

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