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    Streptactin Agarose Resin 6FF for Strep-tag II Fusion Protein Purification

    Catalog number :P4800
    Streptactin Agarose Resin 6FF for Purification of Strep-tag®II and Twin-Strep-tag® fusion proteins

    The Strep-tag® purification system is based on the highly selective binding of engineered streptavidin, called Strep-Tactin®, to Strep-tag®II fusion proteins. This technology allows one-step purification of almost any recombinant protein under physiological conditions, thus preserving its biological activity. The Streptag® system can be used to purify functional Strep-tag®II proteins from any expression system including baculovirus, mammalian cells, yeast, and bacteria. Unique Strep-Tactin® affinity columns have been developed for this purpose and the corresponding operating protocol is described below. Streptag®:Strep-Tactin® affinity purification should not be performed discontinuously in batch mode which would result in significantly reduced protein purity and yield in comparison to column chromatography.

    Further, prolonged batch incubations increase the risk of proteolytic degradation of the target protein including cleavage of the tag. Because of its small size, Strep-tag® generally does not interfere with the biological activity of the fusion partner. Thus, removal of the tag becomes superfluous. 
    The Twin-Strep-tag® is a dimeric version of the Strep-tag®II and therefore binds with the same selectivity to Strep-Tactin® but with a higher affinity. This increased affinity allows the purification of Twin-Streptagged proteins even from batch or cell culture supernatants with excellent yields. In addition the TwinStrep-tag® tolerates higher amounts of detergents and salts in buffers compared to Strep-tag®II. Since the overall conditions for Strep-tag®II and Twin-Strep-tag® are the same, the following protocol can be used for both tags.
    10 mL 50% slurry (5 mL settled beads)
    50 mL 50% slurry (25 mL settled beads)
    Storage instruction
    2 to 8°C, do not freeze
    Beads Diameter
    90 µm
    Binding Capacity
    Approx. 3-5 mg Strep tag II protein/mL settled beads
    StrepTactin (∼5mg StrepTactin/mL settled beads)
    Agarose Beads 6FF beads, highly crosslinked 6% agarose
    Maximum pressure
    0.3 MPa, 3 bar
    Chemical stability
    Stable in all commonly used buffers, reducing agents, denaturants, and detergents
    Storage buffer
    1XPBS, containing 20% Ethanol
    Equilibration/ Wash Buffer:

    100 mM Tris-HCl,150 mM NaCl,1 mM EDTA,pH8.0

    Elution Buffer:
    Add 2.5 mM D-Desthiobiotin or D-biotin to the Equilibration Buffer

    Note: D-biotin binds very tightly to Streptactin, and after high concentration NaOH cleaning, the binding capacity can only reach about 50% of the initial.

    Regeneration Buffer:
    1 M NaOH or 
    Add 1 mM HABA to Equilibration Buffer


    Equilibrate the column
    1. Add 2 CV ( column bed volume) of Equilibration/ Wash Buffer

    Apply the protein extract
    2. Add 0.5 up to 10 CV cell extract 
    Frozen cell extracts have to be centrifuged after thawing (14.000 rpm, 5 min, 4 °C) in order to 
    remove any aggregates that may have formed. Apply the cleared extract to the column
    Wash column
    3. Wash column 5x with 1 CV of Equilibration/ Wash Buffer
    Collect the wash fractions (1 CV each) and apply 2 µl of each subsequent wash fraction to an analytical 
    SDS-gel (additionally apply 2 µl of the lysate and 2 µl of the flow through).

    Elute protein
    4. Add 6x of 0.5 CV Elution Buffer
    Collect the eluate in 0.5 CV fractions. To get most of Strep-tag® fusion protein in one fraction, i.e. E2, 
    only, add 0.8 CV (E1), then 1.4 CV (E2) and finally again 0.8 CV (E3). 20 µl samples of each fraction can 
    be used for SDS-PAGE analysis.

    Regenerate column
    5. Wash the column 3x with 5 CV Regeneration Buffer
    The color change from yellow to red indicates the regeneration process. The intensity of the red color 
    is an indicator for the column activity status for the next round of purification.

    Remove HABA and equilibrate
    6. Remove Regeneration Buffer by adding 2x 4 CV Equilibration/ Wash Buffer (pH 8)
    This step is essentially the same for Strep-Tactin Sepharose®, Macroprep® or Superflow® (high 
    capacity). If the column is not completely discolored after the removal step please wash with
    Buffer W at pH 10.5. Afterwards the columns have to be stored in Buffer W at pH 8.

    Store column
    7. Store the column at 4 °C overlaid with 2 ml Equilibration/ Wash Buffer (pH 8).


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