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    Lightning-WB™ 3-hour WB Kit

    Catalog number :IF9999
     3-hour Western Blotting

    Western blotting (WB) is a protein detection technology developed on the basis of protein gel electrophoresis and solid phase immunoassay. It is a technology that transfers the unlabeled proteins separated by SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis to solid phase carriers (NC membrane, PVDF membrane), and then uses specific antibodies to identify and quantify the target protein. Its sensitivity to detect proteins is pg level, or even fg level. This technology is widely used in medical and biological research fields.
    3-hour Western Blotting Kit
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    1. This reagent kit is suitable for bacteria, fungi, adherent cells, suspended cells, animal tissues, and plant tissues.

    2. This test kit is suitable for cytoplasmic protein WB, membrane protein WB, mitochondrial protein WB, and nuclear protein WB.

    3. This kit is suitable for both Flag/GFP labeled fusion protein WB and endogenous protein WB.

    4. The sensitivity of this reagent kit for detecting the target protein is extremely high, reaching pg level, and when combined with ultra sensitive ECL, it can reach fg level.

    5. 20 minute cell sample lysis preparation, 30 minute pre gel ultrafast electrophoresis, 20 minute ultrafast transfer, 10 minute ultrafast sealing, and 30 minute antibody ultrafast incubation. Lightning like speed.

    6. Unique formula reagents, no need to purchase specialized instruments, can seamlessly connect with conventional electrophoresis and transfer printers.
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