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    Smart-ICC™ ICC/IF Kit

    Catalog number :ICC1001
    Immunofluorescence AND Immunocytochemistry

    Immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry, and immunofluorescence are the three most classic experimental techniques in immunology, known as Immunohistochemistry (IHC), Immunocytochemistry (ICC), and Immunofluorescence (IF). For experimenters, it may be easy to confuse.
    Immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunocytochemistry (ICC) are mainly techniques used to locate and detect antigen expression, and their main principle is to utilize the interaction between antigen epitopes and antibodies. IHC samples use tissue slices, while ICC samples use cultured cells.
    IF stands for Immunofluorescence, which literally includes ICC and fluorescence based IHC. However, in the manuals of major antibody companies (abcam, CST, Novus, etc.), the meaning of IF is equivalent to ICC.
    IHC immunohistochemistry can be further divided into IHC-P paraffin section immunohistochemistry and IHC-Fr frozen section immunohistochemistry based on the type of sample slice.

    ICC kit (Immunocytochemistry kit)
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    1. This reagent kit is suitable for both adherent cells (cell slides) and suspended cells (cell smears).

    2. The antibody ultrafast incubation solution with a unique formula allows for only 30 minutes for both primary and fluorescent secondary antibody incubation. Accelerate the entire ICC/IF experiment and take one step forward in publishing articles.

    3. This reagent kit is a unique product on the market, containing all key ICC/IF reagents for cell crawling and cell smear samples. Say goodbye to scattered ICC reagents, one kit can contain all of them, which can bring great convenience to experiments.
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