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    Myc-Catch-Aga™ Anti-Myc tag Alpaca nanobody conjugated Agarose Beads

    Catalog number :AT1764
    Agarose beads conjugated anti-Myc nanobody can capture Myc tag fusion protein on IP/CoIP/ChIP/Protein purification.
    Myc-Catch-Aga™ Anti-Myc tag nanobody (from alpaca VHH, Single Domain antibody) conjugated Agarose Beads
    This product is useful tool for IP/CoIP/ChIP of Myc-tagged proteins, and it recognizes Myc-tags placed at N-terminal, C-terminal, or internal site of the fusion protein.
    Tested applications
    Immunoprecipitation (IP), 
    Co-Immunoprecipitation (Co-IP), 
    Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) 
    RNA Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation (RIP)
    Enzyme assays
    Mass spectrometry
    Affinity purification
    In IP, 25-50 µL of beads suspension for ~500-1000 µL of crude total cell lysate solution.
    Optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.
    This antibody captures Myc-tagged proteins exogenously expressed in cells or E. coli. this antibody does not capture oncogene c-myc protein.
    This nanobody is produced from alpaca with a Myc tagged protein.
    50% beads slurry
    Agarose beads Conjugated anti-Myc nanobody, the product is supplied in 10 mM PBS, pH 7.4, and 0.02% (w/v) sodium azide as preservative. 
    Storage instruction
    Stored at 4 °C. Do not freeze
    alpaca nanobody

    this antibody is nanobody, it is from aplaca, its advantages are as below:
    • Fast, reliable & efficient one-step immunoprecipitation
    • Ready-to-use, high stability, high affinity
    • No heavy & light antibody chains interference in downstream WB
    • Stable under harsh washing conditions
    • Suitable for downstream mass spec, CoIP, ChIP, RIP, protien purification and so on
    • Works in samples from: mammals, plants, bacteria, yeast, insects etc.
    Structure Image
    Myc-Catch-Aga Anti-Myc tag nanobody conjugated Agarose Beads
    Beads Diameter
    ~ 90 µm
    Binding Capacity
    ~1mg Myc tagged protein /ml beads suspension
    Application Image
    Myc-Catch-Aga Anti-Myc tag nanobody conjugated Agarose Beads
    Myc-Catch-Aga Anti-Myc tag nanobody conjugated Agarose Beads

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    All our products are For Research Use Only. Not for diagnostic or therapeutic usages.