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    CleaTag™ Bovine Enterokinase

    Catalog number :P4159
    Enterokinase is a specific protease that cleaves at the carboxyl side of Lysine residue when it is preceded by four Aspartic acids (Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys) and is not followed by Proline. Enterokinase can be used to remove the fusion tag of a protein or the N-terminal pro-sequence of a precursor protein that is genetically engineered to be activable with enterokinase.
            Recombinant Bovine Enterokinase is produced from CHO. and contains no trace of contaminating proteases. The enzyme is purified by a proprietary process to obtain high purity and maximum enzymatic activity. The product is delivered as clear aqueous solution (≥ 5 U/μL) in a storage buffer specifically formulated to ensure the highest enzyme stability during storage. 
            The enzyme is highly active at 4°C, allowing digestion to be performed at a desirable low temperature for maximum stability of temperature-sensitive target substrates during digestion.
    Unit definition: One Unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to cleave 0.5 mg of a DDDDK-containing protein (~30 kDa in size) to 95% completion in 12 to 16 hours at 25°C.   
    CleaTag™ Recombinant Bovine Enterokinase (EK,his-tagged)
    Tested applications
    Fusion tag removal from the recombinant peptide fragment or protein that is preceded by the characteristic sequence DDDDK
    Cleavage or processing of engineered proteins that contain enzyme recognition sequence.
    Processing enzymes and proteins that are unstable in room temperature
    Enterokinase will not work if the recognition site is followed by a proline.
    rbovine EK with 6 × His-tag binds with Ni2+ affinity resin and was designed for removing from digestion system.
    Storage instruction
    The product is shipped with blue ice. Store at -20°C upon receipt. It remains stable without detectable loss of activity after one week at 25°C. Stable after several freeze-thaw cycles.
    Database links
    Uniprot:P98072 (ENTK_BOVIN)


    A DNA sequence encoding the bovine TMPRSS15 (NP_776864.1) (Ile801-His1035) was expressed with a polyhistidine tag at the C-terminus.
    CAS #
    Enteropeptidase, EC, Enterokinase Light Chain, Serine protease 7
    Molecular weight
    Recombinant Bovine Enterokinase is a single glycosylated polypeptide chain containing 235 amino acids and 6 histidines, so predicts a molecular mass of 27.1 kDa.
    Specific activity
    ≥5 U/μL
    Unit definition
    One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme needed to cleave 0.5 mg of a special fusion protein in 12 to 16 hours to get 95% completion at 25°C in a buffer containing 25 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0).
    Enzyme Commission #
    Enterokinase (EK) is an amino protease existing in duodenum of mammal and is involved in digestion. It consists of a disulfide-linked 82–140 kDa heavy chain which anchors enterokinase in the intestinal brush border membrane and a 35–62 kDa light chain which contains the catalytic subunit. Additionally, both of the chains are derived from a single precursor that is cleaved by a trypsin-like protease. EK can specially recognize the amino acid sequence DDDDK, and digest the peptide bond after the lysine residue. rEK was report to be more effective than nature EK in cleaving recombinant proteins. Furthermore, the light chain possesses the whole enzyme activity of EK. rBoEK has the highest activity than EK of other species and is used wildly in biochemical applications.
    Endotoxin Level
    < 1.0 EU/μg, determined by LAL method.
    > 97% as analyzed by SDS-PAGE.
    Application Images

    Recombinant bovine enterokinase shows optimum cleavage activity at 25°C, without detectable nonspecific enzymatic activities (Figure 1). When incubated for 24 hours at 25°C, 0.1 U of EK is sufficient for complete digestion of 50 µg substrate. When enzymatic reaction was extended to 64 hours, only one protein fragment of the expected product size was revealed, suggesting no cleavage outside of the specific enzyme-recognition sequence.  

    Figure 1. Optimum EK cleavage reaction occurs at 25°C. 
    A substrate (50 µg) was incubated with 0.1 U enterokinase at 25°C for extended period of time, from 8 hours to 64 hours. The resulted protein fragmants after enzymatic reactions were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Incubation of the substrate with 0.1 U of EK for longer period resulted digestion to completion, without nonspecific cleavage. No degradation of the digested substrate was detected.
    High activity
    One unit is able to cleave 0.5 mg of a DDDDK-containing protein to 95% completion in 12 to 16 hours at 25°C. It is supplied as concentrated solution of > 5U/µL.
    High purity
    There are no any other protease contaminants nor animal-derived impurities.
    High specificity
    1. Protease that cleaves specifically after a lysine preceded by four aspartic acids: Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys (DDDDK)
    2. No detectable off-target cleavage when used at 2 - 25°C.
    Long-lasting superior performance. Retained enzymatic activity at 2 - 8°C.
    It allows low-temperature digestion to ensure stability of temperature-sensitive target proteins
    Compatible with the following reagents:
    Imidazole (<100 mM), NaCl (<50 mM), and glycerin (<5%).
    Application Figure 1
    CleaTag™ Bovine Enterokinase
    Recommendations for fusion protein digestion

    EK Dilution/Storage Buffer: 20mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 200mM NaCl, 2mM CaCl₂, 50% glycerol
    Cleavage Reaction buffer: 25mM Tris-HCl, pH8.0
    Fusion protein concentration: 0.1 ~ 1 mg/ml (total protein content: 0.5-1.0 mg)
    EK content: 1-2 U per reaction
    Temperature: 25°C
    Incubation time: 12h-16h or overnight

    Certain chemicals and reagents may affect Enterokinase activity, including:
    Imidazole (>200 mM), NaCl (>200 mM), and glycerin (>5%)
    It is necessary to decrease the concentration of agents that may interfere enterokinase activity prior to enzyme digestion. Proceed with one of the followings:
    • To achieve optimum result, dialyze the sample against 25 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) before digestion;
    • If dialysis is undesirable, dilute the sample to a final solution that contains <100 mM imidazole, <50 mM NaCl, and <5% glycerin. Maintain the ratio of EK to fusion protein at 1 U for every 0.5 mg fusion protein in the reaction;
    • If the sample solution contains one or more components which concentrations are higher but further dilution or depletion is not desirable, it is also recommended to increase the EK amount in the reaction and to extend the reaction time.

    Catalog numberP4157
    DescriptionCleaTag™ Recombinant PreScission Protease (GST-tagged)
    Application Images
    PreScission Protease is a fusion protein of human rhinovirus (HRV) 3C protease and GST. HRV 3C Protease is encoded by human rhinovirus 14.
    It allows for on-column cleavage of GST tags and protein purification in one step.
    Specific cleavage – between the Gln and Gly residues of the recognition sequence LeuGluValLeuPheGln/GlyPro.

    Vectors encoding the HRV 3C protease recognition sequence
    pGEX-6P vectors pGEX-6P-1, pGEX-6P-2, and pGEX-6P-3 or other vectors encode the recognition sequence for this 3C protease.

    Catalog numberP5518
    DescriptionCleaTag™ Recombinant TEV Protease(His-tagged)
    1. Configurate the following reaction system in the EP tube:
    Fusion protein:1mg
    TEV Protease:10U
    2. Incubate at suitable temperature after mixing the above reaction system. It is recommended that the reaction conditions of enzyme digestion is recommended at 4℃ overnight.
    3. After the enzyme digestion, a small amount of samples can be selected for SDS-PAGE analysis.If you need to remove the TEV Protease in the reaction system after the enzyme digestion,using histidine tags purification resin affinity chromatography .

    TEV Protease contains a 6x His-Tag for easy removal from a reaction using Ni agarose Resin (engibody,Cat no: P3403), or Ni-NTA Magnetic Beads (engibody,Cat no: P0030)
    Tested applications
    Removal of affinity purification tags such as maltose-binding protein (MBP) or poly-histidine from fusion proteins

    TEV protease encoded by the tobacco etch virus is a catalytic domain of the Nuclear Inclusion a (NIa) protein. It is consists of 241 amino acids with the molecular weight of 27kDa.

    TEV recognizes the amino acid sequence of the general form E-X-X-Y-X-Q (or S)/X’, and cleaves between Q (or S)/X’. In this form X and X’ stand for any of the amino acid residues, except that X’ cannot be P. The optimal cleavage site is ENLYFQ/G. As having the absolute specificity and wildly using conditions like broad pH range and ionic strength, the TEV protease became more versatile than EK, thrombin and other protease used in biochemical applications, especially recombinant protein production. The optimal temperature for cleavage is 30°C; however, the enzyme can be used at temperatures as low as 4°C. Following digestion, TEV Protease can be removed from the reaction via the His tag sequence by Ni2+-chelate affinity chromatography.
    Catalog numberP5519
    DescriptionCleaTag™ SUMO Protease(Recombinant, his-tagged)
    Application Images
    Protein X was expressed as a SUMO fusion protein. To remove the SUMO tag, the SUMO-X fusion protein was incubated with SUMO protease at a ratio of 200:1 (w:w); after 10 minutes, >99% of the protein was cleaved.

    Yeast SUMO protease,Ubiquitin-like-specific protease 1,Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier Protease,Ulp1
    Uniprot ID Q02724 (ULP1_YEAST)
    Origin of species Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
    Source Yeast SUMO protease variant corresponding to the active SUMO protease domain (amino acids Leu403-Lys621) expressed recombinantly in and purified from Yeast
    Molecular Weight 28kDa
    Storage Upon receipt, store SUMO protease at -80℃ and buffers at -20℃. Aliquot after the first thawing. Please avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles. Stable for 24 months when stored properly.
    Fusion Tag(s) N-terminal 2*polyhistidine tag
    Purity >95%
    Buffer 12.5 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 250 mM NaCl, 125 mM Imidazole, 1 mM DTT, 50 % glycerol
    Activity Cutting will be dependent on spacing between the SUMO tag and the rest of the protein. Hence, it is hard to define activity. In most cases, 1 hour incubation at a ratio 1:200 at room temperature will result in >99% cleavage of the SUMO tag.
    Shipped Dry ice

    Amino Acid Sequence


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