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    WB-IP-CoIP Reagents
    Antibody and Beads


    Catalog number IF6603
    DescriptionCell Lysis Buffer for CoIP (Animal cells and plant cells)
    Tested applicationsCoIP
    Catalog number IF6601
    DescriptionCell Lysis Buffer for IP (Animal cells and plant cells)
    Tested applicationsIP
    Catalog number IF9055
    DescriptionCo-Immunoprecipitation(Co-IP) Kit (Protein A/G Agarose Beads)
    Tested applications
    • Traditional Co-IP and downstream WB and MS
    • Protein-protein interaction Co-IP for downstream analysis in nonreducing conditions, such as enzyme activity assay, protein structure research
    Catalog number IF9213
    Tested applications
    Immunoprecipitation (IP),
    Co-Immunoprecipitation (Co-IP)
    Catalog number IF6801
    DescriptionImmunoprecipitation(IP) Kit (Protein A/G Agarose Beads)
    Tested applications
    • Traditional IP and downstream WB
    • IP for downstream analysis in nonreducing conditions, such as enzyme activity assay, protein structure research
    Catalog number IF6802
    Kit Contents:
    Sufficient For: 40 IP reactions, using 25 µL of magnetic beads slurry/reaction
    • Protein A/G Magnetic Beads, 1 mL, Cat: IF0002, store at 4°C.
    This beads concentration is 10 mg settled beads/ 1 mL beads slurry. > 600 µg of antibody (rabbit IgG or mouse IgG) can be bound per ml of beads slurry.
    Note: Do not freeze, dry or centrifuge magnetic beads. This may cause irreversible aggregation and decreased binding capacity.
    • Lysis Buffer for IP, 50 mL, Cat: IF6601, store at 4°C
    • Wash Buffer for IP, 50 mL, Cat: IF9210, store at 4°C
    • Elution Buffer, 4 mL, Cat: IF9213, store at 4°C
    • Neutralization Buffer, 0.5 mL, Cat: IF9216, store at 4°C
    • Sample Loading Buffer (Reducing and Denaturing, 5X), 1 mL, Cat: IF6740, store at -20°C
    • Normal Rabbit IgG (Whole Molecule) Isotype Control,100 μL, Cat: AT1597, store at -20°C
    • Normal Mouse IgG (Whole Molecule) Isotype Control,100 μL, Cat: AT1596, store at -20°C
    DescriptionImmunoprecipitation(IP) Kit (Protein A/G Magnetic Beads)
    Catalog number IF9216
    DescriptionNeutralization buffer
    Tested applications
    Immunoprecipitation (IP),
    Co-Immunoprecipitation (Co-IP),
    Antibody purification
    Catalog number AT1596
    Isotype control antibodies are used to estimate the non-specific binding of target primary antibodies due to Fc receptor binding or other protein-protein interactions.
    An isotype control antibody should have the same immunoglobulin type and be used at the same concentration as the test antibody.
    ReactivityThis isotype control is not directed against any known antigen. It functions as an isotype control for mouse IgG antibodies.
    Catalog number AT1597
    DescriptionIsotype control antibodies are used to estimate the non-specific binding of target primary antibodies due to Fc receptor binding or other protein-protein interactions.
    An isotype control antibody should have the same immunoglobulin type and be used at the same concentration as the test antibody.
    ReactivityThis isotype control is not directed against any known antigen. It functions as an isotype control for rabbit IgG antibodies.
    Catalog number IF9058
    DescriptionMagnetic Co-Immunoprecipitation(Co-IP) Kit
    Kit Contents:
    Sufficient For: 40 Co-IP reactions, using 25 µL of magnetic beads slurry/reaction
    • Protein A/G Magnetic Beads, 1 mL, Cat: IF0002, store at 4°C. 
    This beads concentration is 10 mg settled beads/ 1 mL beads slurry. > 600 µg of antibody (rabbit IgG or mouse IgG) can be bound per ml of beads slurry.
    Note: Do not freeze, dry or centrifuge magnetic beads. This may cause irreversible aggregation and decreased binding capacity.
    • Lysis Buffer for Co-IP, 24 mL, Cat: IF6603, store at 4°C
    • Nuclear Lysis Buffer for Co-IP 24 mL, Cat: COIP001, store at 4°C
    • Wash Buffer for Co-IP, 120 mL, Cat: IF9212, store at 4°C
    • Elution Buffer for WB and MS, 2 mL, Cat: COIP002, store at 4°C
    • Elution Buffer for non-denaturing, 4 mL, Cat: IF9213, store at 4°C
    • Neutralization Buffer for non-denaturing, 0.5 mL, Cat: IF9216, store at 4°C
    • Sample Loading Buffer (Reducing and Denaturing, 5X), 1 mL, Cat: IF6740, store at -20°C
    • Normal Rabbit IgG (Whole Molecule) Isotype Control,100 μL, Cat: AT1597, store at -20°C
    • Normal Mouse IgG (Whole Molecule) Isotype Control,100 μL, Cat: AT1596, store at -20°C
    • DNase I (contains 10×DNase I Buffer), 100 U, Cat: COIP003, store at -20 °C

    • QuickStain™ One-Step Protein Gel (PAGE) Blue Stain, 50mL, Cat: IF9217, store at room temperature
    Catalog number IF9212
    DescriptionWash buffer for CoIP
    ComponentspH 7.4; contains 0.5% NP-40
    Catalog number IF9210
    DescriptionWash buffer for IP
    ComponentspH 7.4; contains 0.5% Triton X-100
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    All our products are For Research Use Only. Not for diagnostic or therapeutic usages.