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    Smart-REMSA™ RNA EMSA Kit

    Catalog number :IF9502
    RNA Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay, REMSA

    95% of the human genome does not actually encode proteins, but produces a large number of non coding RNAs. These RNAs play an important role in regulating the growth and development of life, are closely related to AIDS virus/AIDS, leukemia, diabetes and other diseases, and participate in the regulation of stem cell development and epigenetics. RNA protein complexes drive post transcriptional regulation of gene expression in almost all cellular processes, including splicing, nuclear output, mRNA stability, and protein translation. Therefore, the understanding of post transcriptional regulatory networks and mechanisms depends on identifying changes in RNA binding during these processes.
    RNA binding proteins control many aspects of cell biology by binding to single stranded RNA binding motifs (RBMs). However, RBM can be hidden within its local RNA structure, thereby inhibiting RNA protein interactions.
    The study of the interaction between RNA and protein is receiving increasing attention from scientists and has become a hot topic in epigenetic research.
    The current hotspots in RNA research are mainly mRNA LncRNA?miRNA?circRNA.
    RNA-EMSA (RNA Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay), gel migration experiment, also known as gel block experiment or electrophoretic mobility change experiment, is based on the principle that RNA binding proteins (RBPs) protein RNA probe complexes move more slowly than free probes in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It is a technique used to detect the interaction between RNA binding proteins (RBPs) protein and RNA fragments in vitro by In Vitro.
    RNA Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay kit, REMSA kit
    Product Picture
    1. This kit is suitable for adherent cells, suspended cells, animal tissues, plant tissues, and purified recombinant proteins, and is a true multi in one kit.

    2. This kit contains reagents suitable for validation RNA-EMSA, competitive RNA-EMSA, and SuperShift overtransition RNA-EMSA.

    3. This reagent kit uses chemiluminescence detection instead of radioactive isotope detection, with high sensitivity and no harm to the health of experimental personnel.

    4. This manual is a comprehensive technical manual for RNA EMSA experiments, which thoroughly analyzes the key and difficult points in REMSA experiments, and provides targeted solutions to various key and difficult problems. It also includes the basic knowledge and context of epigenetics, summarizing detailed information on the interaction between RNA and various proteins. After reading this nanny level manual, all difficulties will be easily solved, and RNA EMSA will be fully mastered.
    Work Flow Image
    Results Display
    The RNA-EMSA assay

    The RNA-EMSA assay
    (A) RNA oligonucleotide probe. 
    (B) (1:1) Add 1 μ m probe dropwise into 1 x TBE buffer. Compared with recombinant HuR (RNA binding protein).
    (C)&(D) ran a fixed concentration probe (62.5 nM) using non denatured crude cell lysate. The data in C&D represents at least two independent experiments.

    RNA-EMSA assay of the IRE/IRP example
    RNA-EMSA assay of the IRE/IRP example
    Iron dependent regulation of IRE binding activity in RAW264.7 macrophages. 107 cells were prepared for cytoplasmic lysis, and IRE probes were analyzed using RNA-EMSA. The positions of IRE/IRP1 and IRE/IRP2 complexes, as well as free IRE probes, are indicated by arrows.

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